Friday, May 9, 2008
"System of symbols" are things that represent and/or signify something in a religion. This picture shows the main symbols of many different religions. These are the symbols most commonly brought to mind when these religions are thought about. For instance, if someone says something about Judaism the first thing that pops in mind is the star of David (one of the symbols on the cloth). It is said taht this symbol represents and signifies the Holy Trinity, and that it was used as a shield by King David. It is also the symbol of Irael (God's chosen people).
Another symbol of this cloth is the Om of Hinduism. This sign represents piety, divinity and authority. It also symbolizes "the Absolute-source of all exsistance." With that said it is easy to see why this symbol is the most important one in Hinduism, it embodies the meaning of the religion and life for believers. I could do this for evey symbol, but as seen with these two, symbols are very important to have. For believers they serve as reminders of their faith and the meaning of their beliefs.

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