Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Center of the Bible

Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118
Fact: There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118
Add these numbers up and you get 1188.
Q: What is the center verse in the Bible? A: Psalms 118:8
Psalms 118:8 "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man."

I got this in an e-mail a while ago and I remember when I read I was kind of shocked. When you think of the Psalms in their entirety as well as the Bible as a whole, this is what God is saying to man. This is the message God had for Israel and the same message He has for His people today. Constantly we see God proving Himself to His people. God shows us that we can't do things alone, that at the end of the day it is Him and only Him that can rescue us and fix any problems that we may have. We see this over and over again in Psalms. There are so many Psalms that question God, like Psalm 22, but then the writer has no chose but to exalt God and recognize all the things He is and all the things he has and will do if you just trust in Him. This reminds me of a song, "He's An On Time God." The message is "He may not come when you want him but He will be there right on time." In the Bible and today in believers lives we always want God to do things right away. When He doesn't show up right (i.e. like the Israelites at Mt. Sinani), we try to do things ourselves or turn to others. What we fail to realize like the Israelites, is that God is the one who has been here all the time and just when we think He has desserted us He shows up. He shows up when man has desserted, when man couldn't help, when we realize that we need Him.
I think it is also ironic that the center of the Bible is found in Psalms because this book is almost like a summary of all the things a believer should do to please God. One should reverence Him, praise, worship, love your neighbor, have faith and show it through the way you live. This verse is a key component of faith, trust and believe God word that He is always there and will come to your rescue in your time of trouble. This also brings another Psalm to mind, Ps 100:3. As continually stated throughout the Psalms God is the maker of the world. This verse sets up 118:8, because it says that God is our creator "not we ourselves" which gives all the more reason to trust Him. He knows us better than we know ourselves.

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